Bedford Surveyors

Surveyors in Bedford

If you are looking for a Surveyor in Bedford, you might consider choosing Gold Crest, as we have a local Bedford Surveyor who has many years of experience in the Built Environment. Good Residential Surveyors are hard to come by, and our Bedford Surveyor can help you immensely, to choose the right house where you will be happy for many years to come.

The roof covering is a replacement to the original. This work should have been carried out with Building Regulations approval to confirm that the correct materials were used, and that the insulation in the roof is up to modern standards. Your legal advisors should check that the correct documentation is in place. Without the correct documentation, the future resale of the property could be hindered.

Our Bedford surveyors observed a slight distortion to the main building roof covering. This appears to be due to historic movement, however it is not possible to confirm this in a single inspection. Distortion is common for properties of this age, it is a sign of deterioration of the roof structure over time under the weight of the roof. At present the condition is deemed acceptable, however you should monitor the distortion for any further increase. At which point you should instruct a suitable competent roofing contractor to investigate the roof structure and provide strengthening remedial actions.

We observed an assumed “dry” ridge tile system has been used on the roof. Mortar-free, dry ridge systems are also tested to withstand extreme weather conditions and require little to no maintenance over time. It is a near-permanent fix that will last for the lifespan of the entire roof, according to the manufacturer. However, this completely depends on the competency of the installation and maintenance program conducted over the years. We would advise annual inspections and regular maintenance, should defects be found.

We observed a “dry” valley system has been used on the roof. Regular inspection is recommended to ensure no debris or vegetation gathers within the valley.

Our Bedford surveyors observed that the general condition of the roof slates appears to be in acceptable condition within the limitations of the inspection. However, we noted a single slipped slate to the roof and this could have let water enter the loft. This defect may have caused rot to the roof timbers. You should have the slate replaced as soon as possible, and have the roofing contractor confirm whether or not any rot has taken hold before they carry out the work. While the tiles appear to be in a reasonable condition for their age, it is likely that ongoing repairs will be needed. Routine inspection of the roof covering is paramount to ensuring the longevity of the roof covering. Any defects observed regardless of assumed severity should be addressed immediately and suitable remedial actions completed by a competent roofing contractor preferably by a PCA (Property Care Association) contractor with insurance backed guarantee.

Bedford Surveyors

We observed significant distortion to the roof surface, while it is generally expected for a property of this age to have slight distortions to the roof surface due to ageing roof structure materials. The observed distortion gives cause for concern and should be investigated further to confirm the full condition and adequacy of the internal timber roof structure by a competent roofing contractor. 

There are some strapped slates visible. Other slates may begin to slip and will require strapping back in due course. We also observed slipped, missing and damaged slates to the roof and this could have let water enter the loft. This defect may have caused rot to the roof timbers. You should have the slates replaced as soon as possible, and have the roofing contractor confirm whether or not any rot has taken hold before they carry out the work. Any rot will require cutting out and replacing prior to the tiles being replaced. This could also be an indication that the roof will require re-covering in the next few years. Re-covering the roof will require Building Regulation approval from the local council, to ensure the correct materials are used and the insulation is up to modern standards.

There is a flat roof to the rear bedroom and kitchen extension that is covered with built-up felt. Flat roofs have a significantly short lifespan and can fail at any time. Therefore, provision should be made for re-covering the roof. It is difficult to know when to re-cover the roof. The roof could be leaking for some time before it becomes visible internally, and by then some unseen damage could be done to the roof timbers. You may, therefore, wish to consider having a durable covering fitted, such as fibreglass, to reduce the likelihood of problems in the future. Provision should be made for re-covering the flat roof as necessary.  

A flashband material has been used for flashing. This type of material is considered to be substandard and it could soon fail. The roof could be leaking for some time before being noticed and damage could occur. We therefore recommend that you plan to have the flashband replaced with a more durable material, such as lead.  

Consider choosing our Bedford Surveyors for your next property purchase.