Party Wall Surveyor Quotes
The Party Wall Act 1996 is a safeguarding piece of legislation utilised by a Party Wall Surveyor to help attached neighbours when one wants to undertake work on their property which could affect the other, and allows them to put into place an agreement known as a Party Wall Award.
Due to the varying nature of Party Wall work, it is difficult to offer an instant quote, however, fill in the short form here and one of our friendly team will be in touch soon to provide you with a price. Thank you.
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A party wall is the dividing wall between two connected properties, so this legislation is in place to protect your property and avoid any unwanted or damaging work being done to your home by a neighbouring property.
The Act places duties on those, with an interest in one building to notify their neighbour of their intention to undertake works which may affect a party structure, like a chimney or Party Wall. Other duties are imposed where the neighbours’ foundations may be affected. These duties are dealt with by Party Wall Surveyors whose sole role is to act impartially in applying the Act by drafting and ultimately serving a Party Wall Award.

Typical examples of works that are likely to be covered by the Party Wall Act are:
- Removing chimney breasts that are attached to the wall
- Excavating foundations for a new extension within 3 metres of a neighbouring or shared structure
- Removal of internal walls
- Cutting into a party wall
- Cutting beams into a party wall to form a loft extension
- Roof alterations
Undertaking building work at your property on, or near a Party Wall...
When considering doing any work that may impact a Party Wall (a Part of the property that could affect a neighbouring property), a Party structure or your neighbour’s foundations, you should avoid proceeding, without finding out what your duties are. Your work could be disrupted by a court injunction, if you don’t have the necessary consent or Party Wall Award. Typically notices will need to be served, a Schedule of Condition of the Adjoining Owner’s property undertaken and ultimately a Party Wall Award put in place under the guidance of a Party Wall Surveyor. This protects the rights of you and your neighbour, makes identification of new defects (such as cracks) and can agree things such as site working hours, method of construction and noise.
When giving notice to a neighbour or adjoining owner, you’ll be expected to give enough time (between 1- 2 months before any project starts) and they’ll get 2 weeks to respond.

If the adjacent owner’s consent is not provided
If the other owner doesn’t want to provide consent or fails to do so within the 2 week period, you are deemed to be ‘in dispute’ with your neighbour(s) under the Act. At this point Party Wall Surveyors, or an agreed surveyor, must be appointed so that the dispute can be resolved by way of a Party Wall Agreement (an Award). Bare in mind that under most circumstances, the home owner undertaking the works will be expected to cover the costs of the Party Wall Surveyor(s).
The Party Wall Act decrees that all our Surveyor costs are payable by the owner undertaking the works on the Party Wall so there will be no cost to yourself and all our work is done in service of the Party Wall Act so you can expect impartial advice throughout the process.
The Party Wall Award
The Party Wall Award is the legal document allowing the building owner to proceed with their building works affecting the party wall or structure. This is also known as a Party Wall Agreement. This document will contain the following information that will need to be agreed by both parties:
- what work will be carried out
- what the duration for any work is to be started will be
- Who will pay the surveyor(s) fees
Party Wall Surveyor Cost
When it comes to cost, a professional and experienced Party Wall Surveyor is needed to achieve an agreement quickly and efficiently for both parties. We can give you a fast and accurate quote by completing the quick form above and one of our Party Wall Experts will contact you today.
Is your neighbour planning building works?
If you are worried about the impact the works might have on your property, or if you have received a Party Wall Notice and are unsure how to respond, please feel free to get in contact with us via the form below, call or email and we’ll be happy to help with your Party Wall queries.